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This is my experimental site... which is becoming a promising one...... the caveat is... it got no export/import capability to other platforms like:
![]() Use the menu Site to find my other sites - active and inactive.
As I reiterate, this is my experimental site. Bugs might exists as often than not. Known issues in drop down menus BIO, Interact, and Site. If that happens, please visit my active site at http://byronpojol.bittergame.com |
I do Social, Business & IT consulting.A Business Case Demo Featuring
I am pleased to invite you on behalf of IBM.
Raw footages I prepared for Impact (2009) - IBM Smart SOA Conference. But
it maybe a professional suicide as I am not eloquent and my face
twitches a lot. It could be the beginning of the end of my professional
IT career. :) Let me know your take.
Take my Poll on SOA so that
Byron Pojol IT Architect View more presentations from Byron Pojol. |
It starts with chicks... err eggs (photo source: me). Cockfighting is an Individual Liberty! It is unconstitutional and just plain oppression to enact laws criminalizing a traditional and universal sport. Do you now that Gamecock lost by only one vote to Bald Eagle to be the United States of America official national bird? 7 and 6 votes. And the Turkey got 1 vote. June 20, 1872.
These boys (on the photo below; photo source: slideshare ashok) reminded me of myself. How I chased these chickens until they are tired and just try to hide due to exhaustion. I grow up around chickens (gamecocks), pigs, geese, water buffalos, cattle, and dogs. We raise them from young until they are given away, butchered, sold, and in case of gamecocks either die in the cockpit or become one of the chosen few brood cocks to propagate their genes to the next generation.
The liberty tramplers (aka animal rights lobbyists) might accused these boys of animal cruelty. These bunch of misfits... err lawyers do not have anything to do but brainwash young minds. If you are still of young age, I hope you grow up with your own intuition of how things are. Just think, these domesticated animals are properties of the farmer. No one must interfere with the farmer action towards his animals. Even the law and the constitution is on the side of the farmer. Nevertheless, law makers and judges are writing and interpreting laws according to their own minds and not abiding with the constitution and the bill of rights and amendments. What are these people trying to make of this world?
Cockfighting in the United States of America will be back and will be stronger. And it will signal the change of time.
I am sure that all of you liberty advocates out there are thinking that a LIBERTY REVOLUTION is due in the United States of America. You may leave me a message so that we can organized better. I am proposing that we create an UNITED NATIONS OF LIBERTY as the UNITED NATIONS is not up for its name anymore.
Too much democratic and bureaucratic process. Too much economic agenda. We live to enjoy life. Not a political one nor financial one. Just enough money to buy food and shelter, to share our wealth with our neighbors, and to enjoy our chosen past time.
And cockfighting is the battle cry of our liberty revolution. And we will conquer all liberty trampling laws and stereotypes on drugs, sex, child marriages, cousin marriages, same sex marriages, polygamy, genetic modified foods, animal use, animal sports, animal cruelty, human cloning, cyborgs, human genes engineering, and many more.
- an individual liberty activist, 4 February 2011
The liberty tramplers (aka animal rights lobbyists) might accused these boys of animal cruelty. These bunch of misfits... err lawyers do not have anything to do but brainwash young minds. If you are still of young age, I hope you grow up with your own intuition of how things are. Just think, these domesticated animals are properties of the farmer. No one must interfere with the farmer action towards his animals. Even the law and the constitution is on the side of the farmer. Nevertheless, law makers and judges are writing and interpreting laws according to their own minds and not abiding with the constitution and the bill of rights and amendments. What are these people trying to make of this world?
Cockfighting in the United States of America will be back and will be stronger. And it will signal the change of time.
I am sure that all of you liberty advocates out there are thinking that a LIBERTY REVOLUTION is due in the United States of America. You may leave me a message so that we can organized better. I am proposing that we create an UNITED NATIONS OF LIBERTY as the UNITED NATIONS is not up for its name anymore.
Too much democratic and bureaucratic process. Too much economic agenda. We live to enjoy life. Not a political one nor financial one. Just enough money to buy food and shelter, to share our wealth with our neighbors, and to enjoy our chosen past time.
And cockfighting is the battle cry of our liberty revolution. And we will conquer all liberty trampling laws and stereotypes on drugs, sex, child marriages, cousin marriages, same sex marriages, polygamy, genetic modified foods, animal use, animal sports, animal cruelty, human cloning, cyborgs, human genes engineering, and many more.
- an individual liberty activist, 4 February 2011
Official Logo: Courtesy of University of Delaware
Thank You from a former Delawarean |
The Blue Hen Chicken became Delaware's Official State Bird on April 14, 1939.
The color of the gamecock on the right is the ideal of the male offsprings of the original blue hen - steel blue.
Kids, TRUE or FALSE? 1. Delaware soldiers in the Revolutionary War were nicknamed "The Blue Hen's Chickens" because of their fighting prowess. 2. The Blue Hen Chickens of today are known for their quiet, gentle nature. 3. Blue Hen Chickens occur in other colors besides blue. 4. Blue Hen Chickens lay blue eggs. 5. The Blue Hen Chicken is silent; it does not have a call Go to the challenge here! (from University of Delaware Research Kid's Corner) And listen to the Blue Hen rooster calling his mates and crowing! Oops... |
Warning: His white ears is a sign that he is not of pure Blue Hen Chicken strain of gamecocks. An outside blood was introduced and the breeder is not careful to select a non-white ear on the succeeding generations.
Movie released May 31 2002. 1 hour & 32 minutes.
Attention: Fortune Global 500
As a child I saw Mitra gamecocks being fought against the best looking american gamecocks that are a lot bigger and taller. But Mitra gamecocks can destroy these foes in a overwhelming dominance.
In fact the best fight I have seen in my life is between a grey Mitra gamecock and a red imported american gamecock. The Mitra gamecock started hitting forward from one end of the arena and continued hitting until they reached the other side of the arena. The opponent is really a great gamecock too. The opponent keep backing up but hitting with multiple strokes as well – snapping and strapping going backwards. The Mitra gamecock actually plows the ground from one side of the arena into the other side. About 14 feet of ground getting plowed. The knife made a lot of holes in the ground on this offensive attack by the Mitra gamecock. I am not sure if they were not cutting well or they were just evenly matched.That’s the reason, I having doubts of my choice of this fight as the best cockfight ever in my life. (read more) |
Ramon Mitra Jr.
(1928-2000 cockfighter more than anything else) |
She Walks in Beauty
By Lord Byron (1788-1824)
She walks in beauty, like the night
Of cloudless climes and starry skies; And all that's best of dark and bright Meet in her aspect and her eyes: Thus mellow'd to that tender light Which heaven to gaudy day denies. One shade the more, one ray the less, Had half impair'd the nameless grace Which waves in every raven tress, Or softly lightens o'er her face; Where thoughts serenely sweet express How pure, how dear their dwelling-place. And on that cheek, and o'er that brow, So soft, so calm, yet eloquent, The smiles that win, the tints that glow, But tell of days in goodness spent, A mind at peace with all below, A heart whose love is innocent! |
Cock and Hen
Papa and Mama
Pearl of the Orient
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in English
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in Pilipino
Lone Star State
Don't Mess With Texas